As I am writing this, we are in the midst of Covid-19. Our preschool is closed, with no signs of immediate opening. If you are a preschool teacher (or any teacher!), I don’t have to tell you how challenging it is to connect with the children right now. The thought of not sitting down in the library with the children and reading to them makes me so unhappy. So I am trying like everyone else to go to the video learning thing. The iPad camera does not giggle and laugh, it sits still, it is never surprised or scared. Who knew how much I would miss the interaction? But who knows, maybe I will get good at this video thing…? (So far not so much – I have already managed to lose my first video while editing it).
I have been thinking about starting a blog for over a year now to share some of the fun things we do in our library. So, I suppose there is no better time to start. I am learning as I go, so please be patient. Could be ugly at times. 😉 Stay tuned!