We are so lucky that we have had such a beautiful spring! It sure helps when you can get outside.
I wonder if your life has been a little like mine – interruptions every 10 minutes (what was I doing again?), “Mom, what’s for dinner? When is it going to be ready?”. It seems the dishwasher and the washing machine are going constantly. I go from being ok about everything, to being overwhelmed and emotional. I am grateful though. Grateful for my family, for our health, for those many meals together and for being able to tackle some of the home projects that have been on our list for a while.
I certainly think one of the best things we have had going for us around here, is being able to get outside(6 feet apart)! I am sure if you have a household full of young children you will agree.
Here is something I did (with some help from my daughter and a neighbor) for our neighborhood that could be fun for you! We made tree faces with air dry clay, and put together a map so the children could go on a hunt to find them. You can do this in your neighborhood, in your backyard or anywhere really. You could do this for your children, or they could do it for you (or other children)! Imagination, play and being outside! 🙂 We named our faces. You could name them and maybe make up stories about each face. I am not sure how they will survive in the rain, I will have to get back to you about that one. But they are fun while they last.

I ordered a 5 lb tub of white Crayola Air Dry Clay on Amazon but you probably only need half of that (though it is always fun to have extra to play with).
Looks like Target has it too
I was inspired by this blog post:
And this one:
Other ideas:
Easy – just get some tape and make a cool bracelet:
Or a wand:
Go on a scavenger hunt with this printable:
I really like the idea of a drawing tree…