Did you get a paper plate for your child? I hope they will “drive” all over the house. But what if you send them outside to drive? How about making a whole chalk road and or town for (or with) them? We made one in our neighborhood, and the children loved it. It was big enough so they could keep their distance. The older children used their scooters and bicycles. The younger had an easier time just running it.
Here is our road/town:
You can add anything you want!
- A library of course!
- Bank
- Post Office
- Grocery Store
- Gas Station
- School
- Police and Fire Stations
- Ice Cream Store
- Favorite restaurant

Those are just a few ideas, let your child’s imagination, or yours, have fun with it (one mom asked for a wine store!).
Maybe they need to take this map with them?
REMEMBER: Your children are learning when they are playing!
Can’t go outside? How about this?https://toddleratplay.com/2019/11/20/giantroadmap/
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