Mrs. Claus, Miss Library’s sister, was at school this week to read to the children! It gave Miss Library some much needed time to Christmas shop.

Mrs. Claus read a book based on a true story. The book was Santa’s Stuck by Rhonda Gowler Greene, illustrated by Henry Cole. Mrs. Claus said it really did happen last year to Santa.

For years Mrs. Claus has been warning Santa not to eat so many treats.

He did not listen, and look what happened. He got stuck in a chimney!

Luckily the animals of the house were able to help him out. A silent cheer is the best thing ever during Christmas. Raise your hands and give a silent cheer to Santa and Mrs. Claus!

As you can imagine, the children were full of a lot of energy and excitement this week. What better way to get some of that energy out than freeze dancing? For this story -to the tune of Santa Clause is Coming to Town. Always a popular activity.

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
Mrs. Clause jumping over the joy of books!

For more Santa fun go here:
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