By Mo Willems
Who doesn’t like a bit of Mo Willems? He really does make reading fun.
The children loved this song. A easy way to introduce them to the word Bonjour:
I myself can relate to Nanette. I have picked up a warm baguette in Paris, and managed to eat ALL of it…who can resist a freshly baked, warm yummy smelling baguette?

Of course I wanted the children to smell and taste a baguette. What fun bringing smell and taste into our story time.
We started by smelling the baguette:

Then each child received a small piece (if no allergies):

Then they smelled it again:

And then the big taste:

I am sure you will not be surprised to know that almost all of them wanted more!
Now for the next big question: Will Miss Library eat the entire baguette?

Go here for more ideas to go with the story:
Mo Willems building his cute little French village:
You can find another Mo Willems story here: