Our chicks have hatched!
We read about chicks and chickens in this book by Joyce Markovics:

Beatrix loved meeting the chicks as much as the children did (watch more of B with the chicks at the end of the above video):

The children had to learn how to pick up and touch the chicks gently. So much cuteness!

Our chick journey started here:
I picked up 7 fertilized eggs from a farm about an hour outside of Atlanta and put them in our incubator.

The children added daily chicks to our calendar and monitored their growth:

We looked into the eggs around 17 days by “candling” them(see the end of the video from last week for more):

Like clockwork, on day 21 they started hatching. It is always so exciting. You can hear them peep inside the eggs!

Hatching chicks is such a fun and exciting way to learn about science.
P.S. The chicks will find their home either back on that same farm where I got them, or with someone else who keeps chickens locally. We always have a home for them before we even think about hatching them.
For more chicken stories and fun go here:
Activities to go with chick fun: