The Three Billy Goats Gruff
By Paul Galdone
A classic tale that the children always love…

The projector image, our green grass:

Who will be brave enough to cross the bridge?

And why not throw in a plug about the importance of brushing your teeth? LOL. Yikes – we all decided that this poor troll needs a bath and some tooth brushing!

The children love this part:

Some chose to be the “great big billy goat Gruff” and trample on that mean troll…

I like to tell the kids that the troll starts crying and wanting his mommy. For the children who are scared of the troll, that seems to help.

This makes a really nice “trip trap” noise for the story:

…and of course I happen to have three billy goats!

I also have this, which they love. I will keep it out for the next few weeks. A wonderful way to work on retelling skills.

For my after school classes I totally forgot to take photos. OOPS… but we made these:

And these:

Go here to make above:
Go here for another version of the story:
Check out some more activities to go with this story here: