Here is a short movie of our week:
I believe in imagination. I believe in creative play. Good thing the children love it. We always have so much fun acting out a story after we read it. We are very lucky to have a room across from the library that we can use for stories like these.

Our forest (projector):

Skills of language and recall are used to retell a story. The brain is working, and they are having so much fun, they have no idea how great it is for them. #makelearningfun

This is also a wonderful story to talk about, temperature, size(S,M,L) and how something feels (soft or hard?). The way I had set these chairs up is a little tricky because the large one is actually soft and the medium is hard. The older children really have to concentrate to tell the story. I actually did not plan that because they were the only chairs available to me, but in the end it was really good for the older children. The younger ones were just so excited to sit in the chairs, they did not notice.

The beds:

This story can also be used to talk about manners. Goldilocks did not listen to her mother, she barged right into a house without knocking, and helped herself to everything, not caring about making a mess. But in the end, we all think she learned her lesson….

I will keep the storytelling alive for the next few weeks in the library with these items. I will let the children free play with them after they have checked their books out, and before we read our story.

For my after school classes, we really took time to act out the story, wigs included. 😉

For more ideas to go with this story go here:
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