If you know me, you know I love The Three Billy Goats Gruff. I love it because the children love it. No matter what version I read (see two links below of the others), they are always entranced, and eager to act the story out. It is a simple story, and easy for them to remember to retell. The retelling of a story is an important skill for our little ones. It builds their language skills. It builds their recall to try to remember the story. It also makes them think and try to process the story, especially when there is a troll involved.
This Mac Barnett version is hilarious.

The children love this…yuck!

The children LOVE that the troll gets rammed and thrown off the bridge.

After the story we compared the different trolls from other books:

Each child had to “cross the bridge” to get out of the library(Miss Library may have been the troll…):

This story originates from Norway. I thought it might be fun to look at video of Norway. It looks so beautiful. We even found a bridge!

This is a perfect story to coordinate with Maker Space. They built some exceptional bridges!

My after school classes made their own trolls:

They also made a bridge to take home and add to their “Literacy bags”:

A Beatrix and Berto (and three billy goats) approved book!

Find the two other Billy Goat Gruff versions here: