It was pirate week in the library. Children love to be pirates, and I love to see them using their imaginations . How fun is it to imagine being a pirate on a pirate ship, and then going on a treasure hunt? It is even better with a sweet book like this one.

Did someone say pirate tattoo?

After we read the story (and decided we were brave, quick, independent and fun), we put on our eyepatches, consulted our map and went on a treasure hunt!

The children had to walk the plank (over sharks) to get onto the “library ship”:

Our pirate ship on the projector:

It was just pure pirate fun for my after school classes. Each child had to follow a map to find the treasure. They were equipped with “swords”(yes, I learned how to make balloon swords) that we used to fight off the enemy.

We found that we were true pirates. We were BRAVE, QUICK, INDEPENDENT AND FUN!
Printable cards here:
You have to love a pirate reader:

Pirate Beatrix and Pirate Berto both of approve of this pirate book!

Find Captain Library reading another book here:
Find more pirate fun here: