Told and sung by The Good Fairy, Illustrated by Paul Brett Johnson
There is a reason this is a classic. When you can take a story, and combine it with a song and movements, the children have no idea how much they are learning. It is just pure fun!

We wondered what a Good would look like….

After we read and sang the story, we acted it out. What child does not like to hop like a bunny? I also turned them into goons! OOOPS!
We also went over the hand movements of the song. Great for little brains and little hand muscles.

My after school classes made wands (you never know when you will run into Bunny Foo Foo or someone like him who needs to be turned into a Goon!).

We also made “yucky mucky” mud pies. When I asked the children if they had ever made a mud pie, I would say 1 out of 8 children raised their hand! Miss Library would like to change that! 🙂

Why make mud pies? Find out all of the benefits here:
We also snuck in a quick egg hunt. Beatrix and The Easter Bunny are great friends, so he was happy to swing by and hide some eggs for the children!

Oh, and maybe you can vote on who “wore it best”? (Of course Beatrix will win!)

Another Beatrix and Berto approved book!

For more ideas to go with this story go here: