We have a spring science table at our school. It is wonderful for hands on learning. The children can watch the caterpillars turn into butterflies, tadpoles turn into frogs, dig for worms, watch the ladybugs, and count the days until the baby chicks hatch. What a wonderful way to show the children the science and miracles of spring! I decided to read two springs books to connect to our spring table:

Our eggs, waiting to hatch:

Our tadpoles turning into frogs:

Our caterpillars turning into butterflies:

What comes first the chicken or the egg?

Beatrix requested this book:

Our spring worms are awake:

Our ladybugs are awake:

Tadpoles turning into frogs on the projector:

For my after school classes, we looked at some frog and tadpole books and learned a little more about them:

We have had wonderful weather so we decided to go on a scavenger hunt:

And we made spring bracelets:

Scavenger hunt sheet here: https://www.aboutamom.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Spring-Scavenger-Hunt.pdf
Beatrix and Berto approved books!