WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT by Micheal Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury
The first video of the story above is from 3 years ago during Covid(filmed at my house)!! I have not read the story in person since the year before that! It is an absolute favorite. The children will ask about it the rest of the year, and look into our “bear cave” (am empty room across from the library) to see if the bear is there.
Not only is this a fun and adventurous story for the children, it has the repetitive text which is important for our early and emerging readers.
It also is a great reminder of “positional words” – over, under and through.
After we read the story, we went on an actual “bear hunt”. What a fun way to get the children to retell the story!

Could this be the deep, cold river we swim through?

My after school classes, just wanted to go on the bear hunt over and over! But we did manage to make some maps.

Another Beatrix and Berto approved book!

Find more ideas to go with this story here: