It is community helper month at our school!
Uniform! Badge! Radio! Police officers getting ready to go! “When people need help, we rock and roll!”
These police officers helped direct traffic, found a lost child, and went after bank robbers.

Practicing 911.

I cannot find my source for this phone, sorry – you can try printing from this:
On the projector:

How lucky are we to get a visit from a local police officer? Thank you Sandy Springs Police!

My afternoon classes received badges and radios.

They then had to solve a case. “Bad Bubba Bear” stole candy and needed to be found. We followed some candy wrappers and found him!

“Bad Bubba Bear” was taken to jail.

We also colored traffic lights, and then played the traffic light game.

When the light broke, our officers had to direct traffic.

To end our police fun play, we jumped into our “police cars” and raced to an emergency:

Print walkie talkie here:
Find more police stories here:
Officer Beatrix and Officer Berto approve this book!

Find more police officer fun here: