It is early January, so there is still hope for some snow here. It has not snowed here in years, so many of the children have never even seen snow. It is a good thing we have books and our imaginations! We put on our coats, boots, hats, gloves and scarves and took our magic carpet to where there was snow. What fun we had!

Even though it has not snowed here yet this year, it has been cold. So the children knew what it is like to see their breath.

So many fun things to do in the snow- what will we do?

We found a cousin of B’s in the book!

Our vocabulary word this week was “gleaming”. I also like to point out the frogs at the bottom of the pond, since we will usually have tadpoles and frogs in the spring.

What happens to the snow when the sun comes out and it warms up?

Of course we had a huge snowball fight in the library. The best part was hiding before their teacher arrived and then pummeling her with snowballs.

Even B was a part of the snowball fight!

We had some beautiful snow in the library:

For my after school classes, we read this book – aka “Pickle Nose”!

Find story here:
We made snow, and then snowmen.

We went “ice skating” in the hall (with the Blue Danube Waltz playing) and then we all got on one big sled and went down a very BIG hill. It was pretty fun, though we crashed in the end.

Another Beatrix and Berto approved book!

Winter fun here:
Find snowman fun here: