Happy Lunar New Year! The year of the DRAGON! The dragon represents power, strength, good luck and wisdom.
I love learning and teaching about other cultures. The Lunar New Year is a fun one.
The Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Asian cultures but this story takes us to China.
They “sweep, mop and dust” the old year away.

Red brings good luck. Children receive red envelopes with money inside.

Our children got red envelopes too:

With very special “B Bucks” inside (probably worth more than real money):

Who doesn’t love a feast? One year, maybe we can have a school wide feast.

We are so lucky to have the best teachers at our school, who agree to make dragons and lions for our own Lunar New Year parade. The Kindergarten class makes the dragon(s) and the TK class makes the Lion(s). The other children stand out in the hall and cheer them along with clappers and noisemakers. It is festive, fun and a wonderful way to learn!


On the projector:

We had a New Year feast during my after school classes. Food is a great way to explore other cultures.

We also made some dragon puppets (the directions were in the back of the book):

Of course we had to have another parade!

Berto and Beatrix say HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Here are more Lunar New Year stories:
For more ideas for the Lunar New Year: