We went on safari this week in the library!
This is a fun and silly story and perfect for identifying and talking about animals.
The illustrator is one of my favorites – Peter H. Reynolds. The pictures are colorful and expressive.

I like to stop at this point. It would seem that this story is in Africa, because of the Rhinoceros. Tigers do NOT live in Africa. BUT, the author is using her imagination, so she gets to put in any animal she wants. We will go with the tiger…

The children were given safari hats and binoculars as they entered into the library. We looked for animals on the projector.

After we read the story, we went on our own safari in the library. The older children used clipboards and a list, the younger children just used their binoculars to find all of the animals in the book.

Find animals here:
Animal checklist here:
We made safari bags and binoculars in my after school classes. We then went outside (inside Friday due to rain) in search of animals.

We also read We’re Going on a Lion Hunt by Margery Cuyler.

So of course we went on a lion hunt! The Thursday class was able to go outside, Friday it was raining so we made do with what we had. It was all fun.

Beatrix and Berto are ready to go on an animal safari with this book!

Miss Library on a safari in Africa (just a few years ago…):

Find more safari ideas here: