This is a funny little Easter book that has some subtle character lessons in it for the children.

Cat is JEALOUS (our vocabulary word) of the Easter Bunny.

He chooses a motorcycle to get around, which of course the children love. He also puts together a snazzy outfit.

But Cat soon learns how hard he has to work to be the Easter Cat.

Look how kind the Easter Bunny is to Cat.

We loved the way Cat decided to help the Easter Bunny instead of competing with him.

And of course the ending is hilarious!

On the projector (the Easter Bunny is resting up before the big day):

Beatrix is best friends with the Easter Bunny and convinced him to come hide a few eggs early for all of the children.

Another Berto and Beatrix approved book!

The REAL “golden egg”:

We read this book in my after school class:
The children then had to find ten eggs and match them to the numbers on the board:

We also had some magnet egg fun!

Find more Easter fun here: