Miss Library’s Sister, Mother Goose is always happy to see all of the children!
Each child jumped over a candlestick to get into the library (and took home this card so they could jump at home!):

Mother Goose reminded the children how she gets around (on her goose of course) and where she lives(in this beautiful tree):

She then read about Humpty Dumpty:

Then Mother Goose read Little Lumpty.
Little Lumpty lives in Dumpty, where once many years ago, Humpty Dumpty fell off of a very high wall.

Lumpty found a ladder and just had to climb to the top of the wall:

Mother Goose asked the children this: Do you think Lumpty should be dancing on the wall like that? What might happen?

Tremble was our vocabulary word:

Poor Humpty Dumpty:

Little Lumpty had a different fate than Humpty Dumpty:

Mother Goose just happened to have Lumpty with her:

If Lumpty climbed up a high wall, how could the children save him?

During the after school classes, the children sadly watched Humpty Dumpty fall off of the big wall outside. Could they put him back together again? Lumpty was on that same wall. Could they save him?

The Children then repaired their own Humpty Dumpty – with LOTS of bandaids.

Mother Goose then asked the children to help her find her goose! And Mr. Ticklebottom, an elf from Mother Goose Land, who snuck to school with Mother Goose. They followed a trail of feathers. In the end the children founds lots of feathers but could not find the goose. They did find treasures that the elf left though!

A Mother Goose, Beatrix and Berto approved book!

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