What says FALL more than acorns falling?
The classic tale of Chicken Little (Henny Penny) is a fun book.
There is a lot to appreciate about this tale. The children like that they understand right away that the sky is actually NOT falling.
You know how important I think retelling a story is to pre-literacy and language skills. This story is a fantastic one to retell.
I love the rhyming nonsensical words of Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Turkey Lurkey and Foxy Loxy. Wonderful for speech for our little ones.

What would an acorn feel like if it hit your head? (Would you think the sky is falling?)

I like to ask the children why they think that Foxy Loxy licked is lips?

Our vocabulary word:

A note on this story, and one of the reasons it stays a classic:
It’s funny how we often think the sky is falling, but really it is just a small acorn!
Print and use these to retell this story:
Fall leaves were falling in the library:

My afternoon classes collected acorns and then played this song. It is worth looking up. So cute and a fun quick lesson in math.

We also used the acorns along with these cards to count with. (Find cards on my Pinterest Board below)

Storytelling bags!

Will Berto start screaming “the sky is falling!”?

Another Berto and Beatrix approved book!

Here is another version of this story:
Find more to go with this story here:
Cute felt pieces to go with this book:
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