We wrapped up our community helper month with a fire truck visit and a book to go with it.

Our vocabulary word was handline. If you watch the video above, toward the end, you will see the firefighter showing us their handline.

We talked about fire safety. Do we touch a hot flame of any kind? If our clothes catch on fire, we STOP, DROP AND ROLL. We practiced it in the library.

We also talked about what to do if you are inside and there is a lot of smoke. We crawled “under the smoke”, low to the ground to get out of the library. Find an EXIT and call 911!

On the projector:

They made fire trucks in maker space:

A room was devoted to community helpers for the month of October.

To top the week off – a visit from our local firefighters and truck. What a treat!

We looked at a few more books during my after school classes:

We went on a “hunt” for EXIT signs.

We practiced STOP, DROP AND ROLL. Each child took home their own “flame” to practice at home.
The children then became firefighters. We had a “meal” at the station together. Then a fire interrupted us and we had to leave quickly to put it out. They were very tired and slept at the station. They were called to another fire in the middle of the night! It is hard work being a fire fighter. 😉
P.S. The spray bottles are great for fine motor skills. Buy a bottle for your child and have them spray away (outside!).

Firefighters Beatrix and Berto give a thumbs up to a fun fire truck week.

If your child loves this theme find more here:
For more firefighter/fire truck fun go here: