Last spring I attended a preschool education conference. A very talented and inspiring speaker,, was giving away literacy sets from, via numbers under our seats. How thrilled was I to win this!? You know it is one of my favorites. Retelling a story is so important for our emerging readers. I have not met a child yet who does not love to play with this story. And by retelling it over and over they are building their literacy skills – and that makes me happy.

Our vocabulary word:

“Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?” It can be challenging to say, but wonderful for speech.

I especially like this page. It gave us an opportunity to stop for a moment so the children could predict what might happen next.

This is the most favorite part of the story! (I always make the troll cry “I want my mommy”. My hope is that the children can see they should not be afraid of the “cry baby” troll!)

On the projector – do you see a troll under the bridge?

My after school classes looked at some of the other Billy Goat Gruff stories.
Somehow the trolls from the books escaped out of the books, so we went on a troll hunt! We gathered all of the trolls and then “pushed” them into the river just like the BIG billy goat.

We also made some lovely green trolls. Each student was also given a “bridge” to put together, three billy goats, a river and some grass. Hopefully they retell this story over and over again at home.

I will keep these sets out in the library for a while. All of the children love to play with these. As I said, it never seems to get old for them:

Another Berto and Beatrix approved book!

Find felt set above here:
For more Billy Goat fun go here:
More Three Billy Goats Gruff posts here: