This book is a 2018 Caldecot Medal winner. The illustrations are amazing. There are very few words in this book, and really none are needed. The children (even the 2 year olds) were all enthralled. (Notice the Little Red Riding Hood similarity).

This reminds me of Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey. Who is more frightened? WOLF IN THE SNOW by Matthew Cordell

Look how the mom wolf picks up her cub. After the story I showed the children the photo below.
Not only was that a little scary, she must be exhausted and relieved all at the same time. What an adventure!

Oh no!! Will the wolves help her or hurt her?

Let’s all howl in celebration. They are back with their families! They helped each other.

Are they drinking hot chocolate? And are happy to be back together and safe.

On the projector (little did we know we would actually see this at the end of the week!):

For my after school class, we made some snow. I tried a new recipe of flour, cornstarch and oil. I did not have baby oil, so I used vegetable oil. As you can see it made it a little yellow. Hahah – yuck. But the kids did not seem to mind too much. They had a great time, mixing and making animals prints in the snow.

We then read a little more about wolves from these books:

We found some wolf tracks to follow and found a “wolf den”. They had so much fun pretending to be wolves!

Beatrix and Berto are ready for snow:

…and then on Friday look what happened. So fun.

Wolf tracks? 🙂

Find more ideas to go with this book here: