Argh Mateys!
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere” – Einstein
Pirate week was full of fun and imagination!
Each child received a pirate patch from Captain Library. They then had to “walk the plank” (over the sharks) onto the “library ship”. The pirate ship was projected on the wall.

Haven’t we all wanted to be pirates at some point in our lives? Who doesn’t want a little adventure?

Our vocabulary word:

After we read On a Pirate Ship, we went on our own adventure. We followed a ship, then consulted our map. We eventually found “Captain Hook” and his treasure. We grabbed some treasure and then ran back to the safety of our ship. Phew, it was a close call.

When we got back to the ship, we looked at our treasures. Captain Library reminded all the students, that the REAL treasure is a book!

We also took some fun photos with this backdrop of our very own pirate ship at school.

We read this book during my after school classes:

We colored and cut out treasure maps.

We put on our eye patches and grabbed our swords and maps for a pirate adventure to find some treasure. We had to fight off sharks and other enemies as we followed a ship we thought might hold the treasure.

We found a treasure chest that was empty. Oh no, other pirates must be around.

A clue, a sunken ship. Could the treasure be near?

Consulting our maps, we found it!

Back on our ship we celebrated by dancing to some fun pirate music.

Find the above story here:
Captain Library, Pirates Beatrix and Berto all say AYE to this book!

Find more pirate fun here: