Love is in the air…or is it? Crankenstein does NOT like Valentine’s Day!

Vocabulary word:

The children find this story hilarious. Who doesn’t like Valentine’s Day?

Friends are the best. I showed these two pictures to see how many noticed the difference. When they did notice, why do they look different?

There was lots of love in the library.

Each child received a big smooch from Miss Library. With a kiss to remind them what smooch means.

Before classes left the library, each student spent a few minutes coloring these hearts.

I put them all together to make this!

We read this book during my after school classes. Each child ate a heart cookie, just like in the story.

We then made heart necklaces.

We read a little about Cupid from this book:

Cupid left hearts for us to follow – spelling out the word L-O-V-E a few times. The hearts led us into the sanctuary where cupid left treasures. We talked about how you can always find love in the sanctuary, even without cupid.

Miss Library, Beatrix and Berto send you lots of love. We think every day should be Valentines Day!

Find more love and Valentine fun here: