Miss Library’s sister was in town again this past week to share her rhymes and stories. She loves to show the children her home. And also how she gets around.

She also read this book by Paul Galdone, featuring one of her rhymes, Three Little Kittens.

Vocabulary word:

Mother Goose, as usual, read this rhyme. The children took turns jumping over the candlestick while saying the rhyme. What a wonderful way to involve both speech and gross motor skills! Mother Goose hopes that they will all practice at home.

On the projector:

Mother Goose did have a little problem. Mr. Ticklebottom hid in her pocket and came to school with her. She has been looking for him ever since. She could not find her goose either…

… her goose left feathers all over the school!

Three little kittens song. Berto insisted on being a goose.

During my after school classes, we colored mittens and “hung them up to dry”.

We also made some candlesticks to jump over.

We got out a few other Mother Goose books and compared the illustrations of this rhyme. Make sure to print out this cute clock with a mouse that can run up and down the clock. The children loved it!

Find clock here: https://homemade-preschool.com/lw-hickory-dickory-dock.html
The children also helped Mother Goose try to find her goose and Mr. Ticklebottom. We followed feathers all over the school and then found treasures they left.

Mother Goose, Beatrix and Berto approve these books and rhymes!

More YouTube Mother Goose Stories are here:
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