A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning, rather than being fixed traits, encouraging individuals to embrace challenges and learn from setbacks.
Every once in a while, people give me books by friends or family. This is one of them, and look how cute it is. The Yet Pet, by Theresa Tan. If you know me, you know I love the Growth Mindset theory(Watch Carol Dweck video below). I think it is so important we teach our children this. During my education, we had the opposite. I wonder how many things I stopped pursuing because “I was not good at it” or received a low grade.. Lucky, I also believe it is never too late…. I think preschool is the time to start teaching this. At this age our children are so open to everything, and failure does not seem to bother them too much. But I do see children get frustrated. Adding the word YET seems to make sense to them, and gives them a little relief. Actually, it gives all of us a little relief. Try it next time you or someone around you is frustrated.

The children can certainly understand her frustrations:

Our vocabulary word. I also love the idea of teaching children to pause and take a breath. Most are so enthusiastic it is hard, but what a great skill to learn.

She tries, and fails over and over.

And finally does it!!
I also like how the author writes that she learned to be patient and ask for help. More important skills for all of us.

Each child took home their own Yet Pet:

They can put their Yet Pet on their shoulder at anytime!

We then talked about all the things we can’t do YET!

Carol Dweck wrote the book Mindset. Here she talks about the Power of Yet:
Miss Library, Berto and Beatrix all believe in the power of YET!

Here is another “YET” book:
Find more growth mindset fun here: