Beatrix is our book bunny. Beatrix loves children and of course loves books and story time. Beatrix is a rescue bunny. I was told Beatrix was a female bunny so I named her Beatrix (after Beatrix Potter). A few months ago, I took her to the vet to get her fixed and they informed me that she – was really a he! But since all of the children knew her, I mean him, as Beatrix – we just stuck to that name (ha – it is 2020!). He is so great with the children and loves to be read to and pet. He does not liked to be picked up or chased, and will let the children know if they are too rough by hiding somewhere. It has been so amazing to see the children interact with him. Some of the wildest, roughest boys are usually the sweetest with him. The children have all learned to be gentle and calm with him. He is potty trained (he has a litter box), so he runs around freely in the library. He has been such a great addition to the library, and I hope makes the library and reading even more fun!