By Lauren Thompson and Buket Erdogan
We are all so excited to be back in the library this year! I seriously think B the Book Bunny might be the happiest. He loves all of the attention from the children.

Mouse’s First Day is a colorful book about all the things that mouse finds in a classroom. A great book to talk about the beginning of the school year, colors, shapes and things the children might find in their own classrooms or even at home.
At the end of the story, we investigated what happened to the cookies in Miss Library’s backpack. When we opened the backpack, the “mouse escaped”! The children had such fun thinking about where the mouse went, where it might go next, and if it will eat their snacks, or use their crayons. Some even found some “clues” to prove the mouse had surely been there. A really fun way to ignite their imaginations and they loved it! My guess is the “mouse” will be around all year…
I found all of the items in the book for the children to see and touch.

“Which hat do you like better?” (Hahah – they liked the Mickey Mouse hat!)

Here is what I made so the children can hunt for these items in their classroom (or at home). Who doesn’t love a scavenger hunt?

For my after school children, we went on a “mouse hunt” and recovered all of the items that he took from the library and spread out all over the school (I hid all of the items before class).
We also found ten mice and ten pieces of cheese with numbers on them. We brought them all back and matched up the numbers.
We also looked for any evidence that the mouse was around. We found some crumbs, some paint and a few interesting possibilities of mouse shenanigans. Like I said, I think this mouse might be around for a while, and feel certain he might end up going home with the children too!

For more ideas to go with the story go here: