By Pat Hutchins

Mmmmmm… can you smell the cookies?

This book is a wonderful way to practice counting for the younger children and for practicing math for the older children. It also has a wonderful theme of sharing throughout the book.

Do the cookies smell good?

6 cookies on two plates:

Doorbell sound( Spotify):
The children then help divide up the cookies from six on two plates, to three on four plates:

Then 12 plates of one…

It makes me laugh that the mother thinks they should all eat them before they answer the door, but Sam says “We’ll wait”.

Sam must have known that Grandma would come through with more cookies. Haha.

At the end of the story, we counted the cookies again or did a little math – depending on the age group. A really fun way to introduce math concepts to the older children.
Another Beatrix approved book!

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