We are back in school! It is the best feeling in the world to be back at school IN PERSON with the children. So what better story to start the school year off with than PETE THE CAT ROCKING IN MY SCHOOL SHOES by Erin Litwin and James Dean!? I love Pete the Cat because “It’s all good”! I mean – what else is there to say? 🙂
After the story, each child received a guitar to rock with. Print this guitar and rock all over town!

More fun ideas can be found here:
Don’t forget to buy Pete if you don’t have him already!
The second book I read to start the school year, is a book that always make the children giggle. Now THAT is music to my ears!
Here is the story:
Each child received this shark after the story, along with questions –
What would you name your shark? Can you color it? Can you give it shark teeth? Can you play tag with it? Can you make it dance the way Sammy danced? Will it get excited and start eating things? Will it eat your teacher? Miss Library? Your sibling? What else can you do with your shark? Will your shark go back to school the next day and keep eating and biting things, or do you think he learned to control himself a little more?

SO many fun things to do with sharks:
Ohhhh…I might need to get this for myself!
And if you want my shark hat: