The library was filled with love, hearts and kindness this week:

Children understand kindness, even the 2 year olds understand that it is not kind to laugh at someone like this:

How can we be kind?

What if all of our acts of kindnesses spread across the world?

After the story we talked about how we can be kind, what can we do?

Each child received a compliment card card to keep or to give away:

Find them here:
Here is a lovely act of kindness. Some of our children made some Valentines for some home bound seniors:

During my after school classes we looked at the ripple effect in water. What is the ripple effect of small acts of kindness or big acts of kindness, or none at all?

My afternoon classes also went on a “love” hunt for treasure.

They also filled out hug coupons for the person of their choice.

Print your own hug coupon here:

Kisses and kindness from Beatrix and Berto:

Here is another story about kindness:
For more ideas go here: