We started our week with a rousing parade. The children built our big Dr. Seuss cake in Maker Space.

What they didn’t know…was that Ms. Liz was going to jump out of it at the end… it was pretty fun.

Watch a little of the parade here:
We played this song:

The Kindergarten and TK classes were in the parade.

After the parade, we celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday with real cake.

It was also, wear green for Green Eggs and Ham day.

Tuesday was wear stripes and hats day for Cat in the Hat:

Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday Day:

Thursday was wear red, yellow or blue for One Fish Two Fish:

Friday was wear crazy socks for Fox in Sox:

Find Green Eggs and Ham here:
Did you know that Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham out of a bet? His publisher challenged him to write an engaging book with 50 words or less.
He used precisely 50-words in the book: a, am, and, anywhere, are, be, boat, box, car, could, dark, do, eat, eggs, fox, goat, good, green, ham, here, house, I, if, in, let, like, may, me, mouse, not, on, or, rain, Sam, say, see, so, thank, that, the, them, there, they, train, tree, try, will, with, would, you.

Yes, the eggs and ham are real. Yes, I really eat them. The best part about reading this story is watching the children’s horrified faces – she is eating that??! And then, she likes it??!

Each class decided who would eat the green eggs and ham and we posted it.

On the projector (hahaha):

Dr. Seuss bracelets for everyone.

We made these hats in my after school classes:

We also had some STEM fun with these fizzy green eggs. Vinegar and baking soda never fail to entertain. We won’t tell them how good it is for their fine motor skills to use the pipettes.

Each child also took home these green eggs to “play’ with:

Get the eggs here: http://www.obseussed.com/2014/02/green-eggs-and-ham-egg-hunt.html
We also read this book (YouTube below):

Did you know that Theo LeSieg is Dr. Seuss? LeSieg is just Geisel spelled backwards. Dr. Seuss’s real name was Theodore Geisel.

Beatrix, Berto and the Cat say YES to Dr. Seuss week!

Find ideas to go with Green Eggs and Ham and Dr. Seuss week here: