Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! And fun with a chalk road…

Did you get a paper plate for your child? I hope they will “drive” all over the house. But what if you send them outside to drive? How about making a whole chalk road and or town for (or with) them? We made one in our neighborhood, and the children loved it. It was big… More Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! And fun with a chalk road…

Get outside!

We are so lucky that we have had such a beautiful spring! It sure helps when you can get outside. I wonder if your life has been a little like mine – interruptions every 10 minutes (what was I doing again?), “Mom, what’s for dinner? When is it going to be ready?”. It seems the… More Get outside!

Another BEAR?? The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR

Why not add some more bear fun? Hopefully your children have been busy hunting for bears (see previous post)! Grab some strawberries and watch this: I have heard from some parents that they are feeling overwhelmed. I can only imagine! I am not sure how parents are managing small children, homework, Zoom, meals and their… More Another BEAR?? The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt…

Have you heard how people are putting bears in their windows for little ones to find as they walk around their neighborhood (of course at least 6 feet apart!)? So cute! We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Micheal Rosen (illustrated by Helen Oxenbury) is probably one of my most requested books. “Miss Library… More We’re Going on a Bear Hunt…

Well of course you need to know all about Beatrix…

Beatrix is our book bunny. Beatrix loves children and of course loves books and story time. Beatrix is a rescue bunny. I was told Beatrix was a female bunny so I named her Beatrix (after Beatrix Potter). A few months ago, I took her to the vet to get her fixed and they informed me… More Well of course you need to know all about Beatrix…

Is this the time to start?

As I am writing this, we are in the midst of Covid-19. Our preschool is closed, with no signs of immediate opening. If you are a preschool teacher (or any teacher!), I don’t have to tell you how challenging it is to connect with the children right now. The thought of not sitting down in… More Is this the time to start?