A CRANKENSTEIN VALENTINE by Samantha Berger, illustrated by Dan Santat

Love is in the air…or is it? Crankenstein does NOT like Valentine’s Day! Vocabulary word: The children find this story hilarious. Who doesn’t like Valentine’s Day? Friends are the best. I showed these two pictures to see how many noticed the difference. When they did notice, why do they look different? There was lots of… More A CRANKENSTEIN VALENTINE by Samantha Berger, illustrated by Dan Santat

BE KIND by Pat Zietlow Miller, illustrated Jen Hill

The library was filled with love, hearts and kindness this week: Children understand kindness, even the 2 year olds understand that it is not kind to laugh at someone like this: How can we be kind? What if all of our acts of kindnesses spread across the world? After the story we talked about how… More BE KIND by Pat Zietlow Miller, illustrated Jen Hill