CHLOE’S LUNAR NEW YEAR by Lily Lamotte, Illustrated by Michelle Lee

Happy Lunar New Year. It is the year of the snake. We started our Lunar New Year off with a parade! The kindergarten class built this amazing dragon, and our transitional kindergarten class built these fantastic lion heads. Watch a little of the parade here: I like this story because Chloe lives in the US.… More CHLOE’S LUNAR NEW YEAR by Lily Lamotte, Illustrated by Michelle Lee

PASTA PASTA LOTSA PASTA by Aimee Lucido, illustrations by Mavisu Demirag

In a world of globalization, it is important that our children learn about other cultures. This week we celebrated Italy. The food, the historical sites, and the language. How fun! In the library, we read Pasta Pasta Lotsa Pasta. We looked at all the pastas from the book. Do you know them all? Do you… More PASTA PASTA LOTSA PASTA by Aimee Lucido, illustrations by Mavisu Demirag


Look at this brightly colored and beautiful illustrated book. It brings art, music and culture together. Our vocabulary word: “You can always make something out of nothing” This book is based on a song: Here is the version of the song I played: We danced like Joseph might have danced at his nephew’s wedding (to… More JOSEPH HAD A LITTLE OVERCOAT by Simms Taback

LOS TRES CERDITOS/THE THREE LITTLE PIGS, adapted by Luz Oriheulo, illustrated by Maria Ruiz

It is Hispanic Heritage Month! What is more fun than a well known bilingual fairytale? Our vocabulary word this week was lobo (wolf in Spanish): Flamenco dancers on the projector: During my afternoon classes, we looked at a few more Three Little Pigs books. We also acted out the story. We made wolf puppets: And… More LOS TRES CERDITOS/THE THREE LITTLE PIGS, adapted by Luz Oriheulo, illustrated by Maria Ruiz

EVERYBODY BONJOURS by Leslie Kimmelman, illustrated by Sarah McMenemy

A few months ago, I asked my director if she would consider “flying” the children at our school to Paris, because I had this cute book about Paris that I wanted to read. (When she she taught, she would usually take a “trip” somewhere with her children). She said yes! In my mind I had… More EVERYBODY BONJOURS by Leslie Kimmelman, illustrated by Sarah McMenemy

DRAGON DANCE by Joan Holub, illustrated by Benrei Huana

Happy Lunar New Year! The year of the DRAGON! The dragon represents power, strength, good luck and wisdom. I love learning and teaching about other cultures. The Lunar New Year is a fun one. The Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Asian cultures but this story takes us to China. They “sweep, mop and… More DRAGON DANCE by Joan Holub, illustrated by Benrei Huana


by Susan Middleton Elya, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal Hispanic Heritage Month is a wonderful way to introduce Spanish and Spanish speaking cultures to preschool children. The books and ideas are endless. I really love this classic fairy tale, with a dash of Spanish and hint of a different culture. After reading the book, the children… More LA PRINCESA AND THE PEA