Mother Goose Fun!

This week, Miss Library’s sister Mother Goose flew in on her goose to read Mother Goose Rhymes to the children. Look at this book! Mother Goose and Friends by Ruth Sanderson. Such beautiful illustrations. It really seems to capture the imaginations of the children. We use a little stool for a tuffet to act out… More Mother Goose Fun!

They All Saw A Cat

By Brendan Wenzel This book is a 2017 Caldecott Medal award winner. What a lovely book to introduce perception, perspective and different points of view. This book is so creative and beautifully illustrated. It really captures the children’s attention. This phrase occurs throughout the book, a great way to pull the children back in (if… More They All Saw A Cat

And Granny, What Big Teeth You Have…

This week we had fun with Red Riding Hood by James Marshall. A colorful and somewhat silly version of Little Red Riding Hood. In this picture Red Riding Hood’s mother is making custard for Red’s Granny. We always stop and count the cats in the picture. NINE!! In the kitchen? (Hahah! How much cat fur… More And Granny, What Big Teeth You Have…


For Dr. Seuss week! We love to CELEBRATE READING with Dr. Seuss week! MONDAY: We started the week off with a parade. The Transitional Kindergarten class made a wonderful “birthday cake” for Dr. Seuss during their maker space time in the classroom. To see the parade go here:–/ Look at all of the green… More GREEN EGGS AND HAM

The Color Monster

A story about emotions by Anna Llenas This book is a simple, bright and easy to follow story about feelings. Perfect for preschoolers. Yellow is happy. Blue is sad. I made a little “feelings walk” with some felt. The children loved it, and it was a fun way to play with some of the feelings.… More The Color Monster

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Retold by BG Hennessy, Illustrated by Boris Kulikov A classic Aesop’s fable about honesty. Some of the younger children don’t truly grasp the whole meaning behind this story, but they do understand that he is not telling the truth. The colorful, funny illustrations keep them engaged. Looking for those wolves: And then the wolves –… More The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Gung Hay Fat Choy -Happy Chinese New Year!

Or happy Lunar New Year. At our school we celebrate Chinese New Year (but many other Asian countries celebrate this holiday). It is the year of the Ox! We started the week off with a spectacular parade. The transitional kindergarten class made some wonderful dragons. We had music, drums and made lots of noise. Short… More Gung Hay Fat Choy -Happy Chinese New Year!

DRAGON WAS TERRIBLE by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli

Queen Library: I used the first part of this music for my “entrance” into each classroom (A very royal book entrance – you can find a video on my Instagram): The children loved this book. It is entertaining, funny and has colorful and expressive drawings. Truly terrible..scribbling in books? NO!! Tamed by a story!! Now… More DRAGON WAS TERRIBLE by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli

When Someone Gives You a Penguin Costume…

You gladly accept it and read TACKY THE PENGUIN by Helen Lester, illustrated by Lynn Munsinger. I mean – why not? As you can probably guess, the children were delighted. We learn that Tacky is an “odd bird”, but sometimes that is not a bad thing! (Right? Clearly Miss Library is an odd bird!) After… More When Someone Gives You a Penguin Costume…

Snowmen at Night aka “Pickle Nose”!

By Caralyn Buehner, pictures by Mark Buehner Who knew how busy snowmen could be at night? They have some great winter adventures. The children love finding the “pickle nose” snowman in this book. When they see him, they scream at the top of their lungs: “PICKLE NOSE” and fall over laughing. The snowmen are having… More Snowmen at Night aka “Pickle Nose”!

THE SNOWY DAY by Ezra Jack Keats

Is there anything better than to wake up to find crisp clean snow everywhere? This book is so simple, and really captures the joy of Peter’s adventures in the snow. Fingers crossed that we get some snow this year, so the children can have their own adventures. Until then, we use our imaginations to make… More THE SNOWY DAY by Ezra Jack Keats

The Mitten

By Jan Brett I am a huge fan of Jan Brett. I think her books are just beautiful. I also love the clues she leaves for her readers. The children are learning about foreshadowing in literature. 🙂 Print mittens and animals to color and cut out from here: During non-covid times we would normally… More The Mitten

Mrs. Claus!

Mrs. Claus, Miss Library’s sister, was at school this week to read to the children! It gave Miss Library some much needed time to Christmas shop. Mrs. Claus read a book based on a true story. The book was Santa’s Stuck by Rhonda Gowler Greene, illustrated by Henry Cole. Mrs. Claus said it really did… More Mrs. Claus!


You can’t catch me. I’m the Gingerbread Man! Why do I love this book so much? Well to start with, it is just fun and engaging, and the children love it. There are also so many teachable components that can come out of this book. The first one is repeating and memorizing phrases. This is… More RUN, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!

Run, Turkey, Run!

By Diane Mayr, illustrated by Laura Rader. We have had a lot of turkey fun this week! Starting with a visit from a real turkey. His name is Tom. He belongs to a friend, so I decided to borrow him. He was so great with the children, showing off for every class! When the kids… More Run, Turkey, Run!

Please Pass the Bananas!!

Please say Please! Penguin’s Guide to Manners by Margery Cuyler, Illustrated by Will Hillenbrand. What better time to talk about manners than right before we all sit down to a Thanksgiving dinner? I like this book, because not only is it funny, but it gives the children a chance to participate. I usually change out… More Please Pass the Bananas!!

Bark, George

By Jules Feiffer I like to read this story because…well it is just silly. And silly stories seem to catch the attention of our children! They are never expecting George to say “meow” after his mother asks him to bark. The illustrations in this book are fantastic. The mother just makes me giggle. From this… More Bark, George

Goodnight Moon… I mean Goon…

A “terrifying parody”! How smart are our children – comparative literature in preschool!? This story is a clever Halloween version of the classic Goodnight Moon. The illustrations in this book are funny and it follows the same cadence as Goodnight Moon. Spooky enough, but silly enough that it is not too scary. A book that… More Goodnight Moon… I mean Goon…

Let’s Have Some Fun With Letters!

“A told B and B told C… I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut tree”! I think it is the sign of a good book, if I can read it every year and still love and have fun with it (which of course means the children love it too). This is one of… More Let’s Have Some Fun With Letters!

Kindness is Always in Style!

Have you noticed that some people are a little on edge lately? Well, fires, floods, pandemics, politics, and a list of surprises that never seem to end, will put anyone on edge! At a time like this it seems especially important to talk to our children about kindness. So we read A Little Spot of… More Kindness is Always in Style!

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt…

Have you heard how people are putting bears in their windows for little ones to find as they walk around their neighborhood (of course at least 6 feet apart!)? So cute! We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Micheal Rosen (illustrated by Helen Oxenbury) is probably one of my most requested books. “Miss Library… More We’re Going on a Bear Hunt…