This book was introduced to me by my “neighbor” at school, Miss Maker Space aka Miss Liz. It is so cute, colorful and funny – how could you not love it? The children certainly did! #makelearningfun! My personal favorite: After the story, we listened to this song. It is a wonderful song for the children… More THE VERY IMPATIENT CATERPILLAR by Ross Burach

FIRST THE EGG by Laura Vacarro Seeger WAKE UP, IT’S SPRING! by Lisa Campbell Ernst

We have a spring science table at our school. It is wonderful for hands on learning. The children can watch the caterpillars turn into butterflies, tadpoles turn into frogs, dig for worms, watch the ladybugs, and count the days until the baby chicks hatch. What a wonderful way to show the children the science and… More FIRST THE EGG by Laura Vacarro Seeger WAKE UP, IT’S SPRING! by Lisa Campbell Ernst


By Lois Ehlert Another Beatrix approved book! Such a beautifully illustrated book: There is no better way to review the stages of a butterfly than THE BUTTERFLY SONG(I promise your children will LOVE it!): Eggs: Caterpillars (eating green leaves): Chrysalis: They look just like these don’t they? 😉 Our butterflies finally hatch, let their wings… More WAITING FOR WINGS…