THE YET PET by Theresa Tan

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning, rather than being fixed traits, encouraging individuals to embrace challenges and learn from setbacks.  Every once in a while, people give me books by friends or family. This is one of them, and look how cute it is.… More THE YET PET by Theresa Tan

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

In this version she is taking Brussels sprouts soup to her grandmother. Hahah. Of course, we needed to look at the rules of the woods. 1. Keep to the path 2. Don’t talk to wolves. Oh no! She forgot one of the rules. (Our children felt confident they would never forget that one). What a… More LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

HANSEL AND GRETEL by James Marshall

In music class at our school, Miss Jennifer told me she likes to incorporate a German-Octoberfest theme. She plays polka music for her students. I thought it would be fun to do the same in the library! What better story than Grimm’s classic of Hansel and Gretel? (This James Marshall version makes it fun and… More HANSEL AND GRETEL by James Marshall

LOS TRES CERDITOS/THE THREE LITTLE PIGS, adapted by Luz Oriheulo, illustrated by Maria Ruiz

It is Hispanic Heritage Month! What is more fun than a well known bilingual fairytale? Our vocabulary word this week was lobo (wolf in Spanish): Flamenco dancers on the projector: During my afternoon classes, we looked at a few more Three Little Pigs books. We also acted out the story. We made wolf puppets: And… More LOS TRES CERDITOS/THE THREE LITTLE PIGS, adapted by Luz Oriheulo, illustrated by Maria Ruiz


This book was a Caldecott Medal winner in 1964. There is a reason children still love this book. I love this book. It captures emotions and imagination so well. “Let the wild rumpus start”…best line ever. Personally, I think we all need a little more rumpus in our lives. 🙂 …and it was still hot!… More WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE by Maurice Sendak

PETE’S A PIZZA by William Steig

This is always a big “crowd pleaser”, the children love this book. Most children love pizza, but did you know they might prefer to be made into one? We had just as much fun as Pete. We kneaded the dough: And stretched it this way and that: Hahahah, we did NOT whirl and twirl! But… More PETE’S A PIZZA by William Steig

FIRST THE EGG by Laura Vacarro Seeger WAKE UP, IT’S SPRING! by Lisa Campbell Ernst

We have a spring science table at our school. It is wonderful for hands on learning. The children can watch the caterpillars turn into butterflies, tadpoles turn into frogs, dig for worms, watch the ladybugs, and count the days until the baby chicks hatch. What a wonderful way to show the children the science and… More FIRST THE EGG by Laura Vacarro Seeger WAKE UP, IT’S SPRING! by Lisa Campbell Ernst


Told and sung by The Good Fairy, Illustrated by Paul Brett Johnson There is a reason this is a classic. When you can take a story, and combine it with a song and movements, the children have no idea how much they are learning. It is just pure fun! We wondered what a Good would… More LITTLE BUNNY FOO FOO


Here is a short movie of our week: I believe in imagination. I believe in creative play. Good thing the children love it. We always have so much fun acting out a story after we read it. We are very lucky to have a room across from the library that we can use for stories… More GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS by James Marshall

Dragon Fun in the Library…

This week, all of the students worked on part of a collaborative dragon for the Chinese New Year, which we will be learning about next week. So we read about dragons this week! THE PAPER BAG PRINCESS by Robert Munch, Illustrated by Michael Martchenko and IF I HAD A DRAGON by Tom and Amanda Ellery.… More Dragon Fun in the Library…