LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

In this version she is taking Brussels sprouts soup to her grandmother. Hahah. Of course, we needed to look at the rules of the woods. 1. Keep to the path 2. Don’t talk to wolves. Oh no! She forgot one of the rules. (Our children felt confident they would never forget that one). What a… More LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

A SICK DAY FOR AMOS MCGEE, by Philip Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead

Did you know that reading fiction to children develops empathy? You will find an article about this at the end of this blog. How do you not fall in love with this book? It is a 2011 Caldecott Medal winner. Beatrix has snuck into yet another book: Kindness! Our vocabulary word this week was “concern”:… More A SICK DAY FOR AMOS MCGEE, by Philip Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead