CHICKEN LITTLE adapted by Mara Alperin, illustrated by Nick East

What says FALL more than acorns falling? The classic tale of Chicken Little (Henny Penny) is a fun book. There is a lot to appreciate about this tale. The children like that they understand right away that the sky is actually NOT falling. You know how important I think retelling a story is to pre-literacy… More CHICKEN LITTLE adapted by Mara Alperin, illustrated by Nick East

THE THREE BEARS by Paul Galdone

After we read the story, we had a lot of fun pretending to be Goldilocks and The Three Bears, acting out the story. Experts say that play based learning is the fastest way our little ones learn. This is a perfect example. The children are having so much fun, and have no idea how much… More THE THREE BEARS by Paul Galdone


I love any rendition of this classic story. There is so much here to use for preschool education. There is rhyme, repetitive text, prediction, farm animals, math, science (what would happen if a cookie goes into the water?) and movement if they play “gingerbread boy/man” tag. In this version, of course “boy” does not rhyme… More THE GINGERBREAD BOY by Paul Galdone