FIRST THE EGG by Laura Vacarro Seeger WAKE UP, IT’S SPRING! by Lisa Campbell Ernst

We have a spring science table at our school. It is wonderful for hands on learning. The children can watch the caterpillars turn into butterflies, tadpoles turn into frogs, dig for worms, watch the ladybugs, and count the days until the baby chicks hatch. What a wonderful way to show the children the science and… More FIRST THE EGG by Laura Vacarro Seeger WAKE UP, IT’S SPRING! by Lisa Campbell Ernst

THE BEST NEST by P.D. Eastman

Spring is always an exciting time. Everywhere you look there is new growth, beautiful blooms, birds singing and frogs croaking. This book is funny and so well illustrated. The children love it. The perfect book to segue way into talking about spring, nests and eggs. We just put seven chicken eggs into our incubator too!… More THE BEST NEST by P.D. Eastman


by Christie Matheson. A fun, interactive book for the children. Perfect for any kind of planting activity for the spring. After we read the book, we planted zinnias. We are hoping to see some sprouts soon. We talked about the importance of butterflies, bees and the birds that enjoy the flowers. We also talked about… More PLANT THE TINY SEED…