THE YET PET by Theresa Tan

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning, rather than being fixed traits, encouraging individuals to embrace challenges and learn from setbacks.  Every once in a while, people give me books by friends or family. This is one of them, and look how cute it is.… More THE YET PET by Theresa Tan

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

In this version she is taking Brussels sprouts soup to her grandmother. Hahah. Of course, we needed to look at the rules of the woods. 1. Keep to the path 2. Don’t talk to wolves. Oh no! She forgot one of the rules. (Our children felt confident they would never forget that one). What a… More LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

Jack and the Beanstalk Returns to the Library!

Jack and the Beanstalk, retold by Carol Ottolenghi, illustrated by Guy Porfirio As long as I have “Jack” still hanging down from the library ceiling, I have to read this story. The children love it. We have so much fun, stomping and acting out being the giant in the book. Five magic beans! Fee, fi,… More Jack and the Beanstalk Returns to the Library!