LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

In this version she is taking Brussels sprouts soup to her grandmother. Hahah. Of course, we needed to look at the rules of the woods. 1. Keep to the path 2. Don’t talk to wolves. Oh no! She forgot one of the rules. (Our children felt confident they would never forget that one). What a… More LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES by Hans Christian Andersen

Retold by Susanna Davidson, Illustrated by Mike Gordon Queen Library here. This is a story about my great, great grandfather. In preschool, our job is to provide building blocks. One of these blocks is introducing the children to classic stories. They may not understand all of the lessons from these stories now. But if they… More THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES by Hans Christian Andersen

THE NUTCRACKER by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Anna Luraschi

Look at Miss Library dancing as a ballerina…(totally not me, but I convinced at least a few of the children – hahahah): When I was a child, our family went to the Nutcracker every year. I did not know there was a story until I was much older, which is why I love this book.… More THE NUTCRACKER by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Anna Luraschi