by Susan Middleton Elya, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal
Hispanic Heritage Month is a wonderful way to introduce Spanish and Spanish speaking cultures to preschool children. The books and ideas are endless. I really love this classic fairy tale, with a dash of Spanish and hint of a different culture.

After reading the book, the children took their own “La Princesa and the Pea” test. I placed a green golf ball (the pea) under 20 blankets. Could they feel it? (Of course they could and they were thrilled!)

We try to use our vocabulary word as much as possible:

I like to use a projector in the library to add to the learning experience. When the children were walking in, I had a video of some Mexican Dancers playing. Colorful costumes and upbeat Mexican music added to a fiesta feel in the library!
(Sorry not a great photo):

We have some amazing teachers at our school. One is from Peru, the other from Columbia. They were nice enough to share information about their countries with our school:

These arepas were DELICIOSA!

For more ideas to go with this story go here:
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