PASTA PASTA LOTSA PASTA by Aimee Lucido, illustrations by Mavisu Demirag

In a world of globalization, it is important that our children learn about other cultures. This week we celebrated Italy. The food, the historical sites, and the language. How fun! In the library, we read Pasta Pasta Lotsa Pasta. We looked at all the pastas from the book. Do you know them all? Do you… More PASTA PASTA LOTSA PASTA by Aimee Lucido, illustrations by Mavisu Demirag


This book seemed like the perfect choice for Halloween and the rest of the week. The book has a calming cadence to it, which is nice around Halloween time when children are either exhausted or so excited they can barely sit still. It also gave us a chance to talk about spiders. After the story,… More THE VERY BUSY SPIDER by Eric Carle