We started our week with a rousing parade. The children built our big Dr. Seuss cake in Maker Space. What they didn’t know…was that Ms. Liz was going to jump out of it at the end… it was pretty fun. Watch a little of the parade here: We played this song: The Kindergarten and TK… More DR. SEUSS WEEK!

A FIRE TRUCK’S DAY, by Lily Schell, Illustrated by Mike Byrne

We wrapped up our community helper month with a fire truck visit and a book to go with it. Our vocabulary word was handline. If you watch the video above, toward the end, you will see the firefighter showing us their handline. We talked about fire safety. Do we touch a hot flame of any… More A FIRE TRUCK’S DAY, by Lily Schell, Illustrated by Mike Byrne


This book seemed like the perfect choice for Halloween and the rest of the week. The book has a calming cadence to it, which is nice around Halloween time when children are either exhausted or so excited they can barely sit still. It also gave us a chance to talk about spiders. After the story,… More THE VERY BUSY SPIDER by Eric Carle