THE YET PET by Theresa Tan

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning, rather than being fixed traits, encouraging individuals to embrace challenges and learn from setbacks.  Every once in a while, people give me books by friends or family. This is one of them, and look how cute it is.… More THE YET PET by Theresa Tan

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

In this version she is taking Brussels sprouts soup to her grandmother. Hahah. Of course, we needed to look at the rules of the woods. 1. Keep to the path 2. Don’t talk to wolves. Oh no! She forgot one of the rules. (Our children felt confident they would never forget that one). What a… More LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

PASTA PASTA LOTSA PASTA by Aimee Lucido, illustrations by Mavisu Demirag

In a world of globalization, it is important that our children learn about other cultures. This week we celebrated Italy. The food, the historical sites, and the language. How fun! In the library, we read Pasta Pasta Lotsa Pasta. We looked at all the pastas from the book. Do you know them all? Do you… More PASTA PASTA LOTSA PASTA by Aimee Lucido, illustrations by Mavisu Demirag

THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF by Mara Alperin, illustrated by Kate Pankhurst

Last spring I attended a preschool education conference. A very talented and inspiring speaker,, was giving away literacy sets from, via numbers under our seats. How thrilled was I to win this!? You know it is one of my favorites. Retelling a story is so important for our emerging readers. I have not… More THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF by Mara Alperin, illustrated by Kate Pankhurst


There were ghosts in the library this week as we celebrated Halloween and The Day of the Dead. The Day of the Dead is celebrated mostly in Mexico. It honors loved ones who have passed away. The children loved this book. It is cute, colorful and just a little spooky. I think almost every child… More GUSTAVO THE SHY GHOST, by Flavia Z. Drago


We are so happy to be back! 🙂 Children love the “misbehaving” David. Probably because we can all relate to him! 🙂 Our vocabulary word for this book is tardy. How do we know this is the library? What will David do now? Will he play nicely with his friends? I love David Shannon. On… More DAVID GOES TO SCHOOL by David Shannon

Mother Goose reading LITTLE LUMPTY by Miko Imai

Miss Library’s Sister, Mother Goose is always happy to see all of the children! Each child jumped over a candlestick to get into the library (and took home this card so they could jump at home!): Mother Goose reminded the children how she gets around (on her goose of course) and where she lives(in this… More Mother Goose reading LITTLE LUMPTY by Miko Imai

HERE COMES THE EASTER CAT by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Claudia Rueda

This is a funny little Easter book that has some subtle character lessons in it for the children. Cat is JEALOUS (our vocabulary word) of the Easter Bunny. He chooses a motorcycle to get around, which of course the children love. He also puts together a snazzy outfit. But Cat soon learns how hard he… More HERE COMES THE EASTER CAT by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Claudia RuedaMore HERE COMES THE EASTER CAT by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Claudia Rueda


GREEN EGGS AND HAM by Dr. Seuss. We started our Dr. Seuss week with a wonderful parade. The Kindergarten class made a large birthday cake and Trufulla trees, and the TK class made a Dr. Seuss Hat (all made in maker space): Every year, I swear I am going to choose another book for the… More I DO SO LIKE GREEN EGGS AND HAM. THANK YOU! THANK YOU, SAM-I -AM

HOW DO DINOSAURS SAY I LOVE YOU? By Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

During the week of Valentine’s, what a nice reminder to CHOOSE LOVE! And this week was all about LOVE. This is always a good page to share and talk about (of course our kids would never throw sand…): The projector had “I love you” playing. The children loved it because so many of them knew… More HOW DO DINOSAURS SAY I LOVE YOU? By Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

DRAGON DANCE by Joan Holub, illustrated by Benrei Huana

Happy Lunar New Year! The year of the DRAGON! The dragon represents power, strength, good luck and wisdom. I love learning and teaching about other cultures. The Lunar New Year is a fun one. The Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Asian cultures but this story takes us to China. They “sweep, mop and… More DRAGON DANCE by Joan Holub, illustrated by Benrei Huana

THE THREE BEARS by Paul Galdone

After we read the story, we had a lot of fun pretending to be Goldilocks and The Three Bears, acting out the story. Experts say that play based learning is the fastest way our little ones learn. This is a perfect example. The children are having so much fun, and have no idea how much… More THE THREE BEARS by Paul Galdone

THE THREE BILLY GOATS BUENOS by Susan Middleton Elya, Illustrated by Miguel Ordonez

We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at our preschool! It is really fun. This book weaves all of these Spanish words into the story seamlessly. The children can follow along easily: Instead off butting the troll of the bridge, in this story the biggest billy goat helps the troll. A sweet, nice twist on the story.… More THE THREE BILLY GOATS BUENOS by Susan Middleton Elya, Illustrated by Miguel Ordonez

PETE’S A PIZZA by William Steig

This is always a big “crowd pleaser”, the children love this book. Most children love pizza, but did you know they might prefer to be made into one? We had just as much fun as Pete. We kneaded the dough: And stretched it this way and that: Hahahah, we did NOT whirl and twirl! But… More PETE’S A PIZZA by William Steig


This book seemed like the perfect choice for Halloween and the rest of the week. The book has a calming cadence to it, which is nice around Halloween time when children are either exhausted or so excited they can barely sit still. It also gave us a chance to talk about spiders. After the story,… More THE VERY BUSY SPIDER by Eric Carle

We are so glad to be rocking in our school shoes! Yay!

We are back in school! It is the best feeling in the world to be back at school IN PERSON with the children. So what better story to start the school year off with than PETE THE CAT ROCKING IN MY SCHOOL SHOES by Erin Litwin and James Dean!? I love Pete the Cat because… More We are so glad to be rocking in our school shoes! Yay!