Mother Goose Reads Rhymes and Stories!

Miss Library’s sister was in town again this past week to share her rhymes and stories. She loves to show the children her home. And also how she gets around. She also read this book by Paul Galdone, featuring one of her rhymes, Three Little Kittens. Vocabulary word: Mother Goose, as usual, read this rhyme.… More Mother Goose Reads Rhymes and Stories!


We started our week with a rousing parade. The children built our big Dr. Seuss cake in Maker Space. What they didn’t know…was that Ms. Liz was going to jump out of it at the end… it was pretty fun. Watch a little of the parade here: We played this song: The Kindergarten and TK… More DR. SEUSS WEEK!

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

In this version she is taking Brussels sprouts soup to her grandmother. Hahah. Of course, we needed to look at the rules of the woods. 1. Keep to the path 2. Don’t talk to wolves. Oh no! She forgot one of the rules. (Our children felt confident they would never forget that one). What a… More LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon

A CRANKENSTEIN VALENTINE by Samantha Berger, illustrated by Dan Santat

Love is in the air…or is it? Crankenstein does NOT like Valentine’s Day! Vocabulary word: The children find this story hilarious. Who doesn’t like Valentine’s Day? Friends are the best. I showed these two pictures to see how many noticed the difference. When they did notice, why do they look different? There was lots of… More A CRANKENSTEIN VALENTINE by Samantha Berger, illustrated by Dan Santat

THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES by Hans Christian Andersen

Retold by Susanna Davidson, Illustrated by Mike Gordon Queen Library here. This is a story about my great, great grandfather. In preschool, our job is to provide building blocks. One of these blocks is introducing the children to classic stories. They may not understand all of the lessons from these stories now. But if they… More THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES by Hans Christian Andersen

THE STORY OF BABY JESUS retold by Mary Kelly, illustrated by John Jovan

I love this very simple and easy to understand story for our preschoolers. Does it look like King Herod’s messenger is nice? “Is there room at the inn?” Our vocabulary word: A celebration! On the projector: This made the library smell amazing! We also read this during my after school classes: They love playing with… More THE STORY OF BABY JESUS retold by Mary Kelly, illustrated by John Jovan


This is an old Brothers Grimm story that highlights helping, giving and receiving. Our vocabulary word. What a great word, and to hear the children (at least try to) say it is priceless. Which shoes do you want? Elves! Giving AND receiving, both make us happy. Are the elves going to your house? On the… More THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER by Jim LaMarcheMore THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER by Jim LaMarche

BEAR SAYS THANKS by Karma Wilson, Illustrated by Jane Chapman

It is a simple theme this week. Thanksgiving, and remembering to give and say THANKS! My favorite page of this book: This colorful picture book has some wonderful rhymes (remember: rhyming is a building block of reading). Our vocabulary word – perfect for Thanksgiving! Beatrix has so many cousins: Lots of empathy. On the projector… More BEAR SAYS THANKS by Karma Wilson, Illustrated by Jane Chapman

THE LEAF THIEF by Alice Hemming, illustrated by Nicola Slater

This is a widely popular book with our students. It is brightly illustrated and funny. It seems to get their attention instantly. You know I love to make reading and learning fun – this book does that! Our vocabulary word. I also had a basket of leaves to show what rustling leaves sound like. (Sorry… More THE LEAF THIEF by Alice Hemming, illustrated by Nicola Slater

THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF by Mara Alperin, illustrated by Kate Pankhurst

Last spring I attended a preschool education conference. A very talented and inspiring speaker,, was giving away literacy sets from, via numbers under our seats. How thrilled was I to win this!? You know it is one of my favorites. Retelling a story is so important for our emerging readers. I have not… More THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF by Mara Alperin, illustrated by Kate Pankhurst

HANSEL AND GRETEL by James Marshall

In music class at our school, Miss Jennifer told me she likes to incorporate a German-Octoberfest theme. She plays polka music for her students. I thought it would be fun to do the same in the library! What better story than Grimm’s classic of Hansel and Gretel? (This James Marshall version makes it fun and… More HANSEL AND GRETEL by James Marshall

Jack and the Beanstalk Returns to the Library!

Jack and the Beanstalk, retold by Carol Ottolenghi, illustrated by Guy Porfirio As long as I have “Jack” still hanging down from the library ceiling, I have to read this story. The children love it. We have so much fun, stomping and acting out being the giant in the book. Five magic beans! Fee, fi,… More Jack and the Beanstalk Returns to the Library!

THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA retold by Harriet Ziefert, illustrated by Emily Bolam

A classic fairy tale, originally written by Hans Christian Andersen. I love the illustrations in this book. It is also simple and easy for the children to follow. After the story we looked at a real pea. How did the princess feel this under twenty mattresses? Each child then got to see if they were… More THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA retold by Harriet Ziefert, illustrated by Emily Bolam

OUR EARTH by Anne Rockwell

Earth Day was on Monday, but we know everyday should really be Earth Day, right? We celebrated our Earth all week long. How perfect that our chicks hatched this week too! This is our 7th year hatching chickens. It is truly such a wonder, and never gets old. The children have been so engaged -but… More OUR EARTH by Anne Rockwell

Mother Goose reading LITTLE LUMPTY by Miko Imai

Miss Library’s Sister, Mother Goose is always happy to see all of the children! Each child jumped over a candlestick to get into the library (and took home this card so they could jump at home!): Mother Goose reminded the children how she gets around (on her goose of course) and where she lives(in this… More Mother Goose reading LITTLE LUMPTY by Miko Imai


It is Spring! Have you heard the birds? Have you seen any nests? It is a short week for us (conferences), so I thought this Mo Willems book would be perfect for the first week of spring. My favorite thing to do for this book is to have the children tell me the title of… More THERE IS A BIRD ON YOUR HEAD by Mo Williams


GREEN EGGS AND HAM by Dr. Seuss. We started our Dr. Seuss week with a wonderful parade. The Kindergarten class made a large birthday cake and Trufulla trees, and the TK class made a Dr. Seuss Hat (all made in maker space): Every year, I swear I am going to choose another book for the… More I DO SO LIKE GREEN EGGS AND HAM. THANK YOU! THANK YOU, SAM-I -AM

DRAGON DANCE by Joan Holub, illustrated by Benrei Huana

Happy Lunar New Year! The year of the DRAGON! The dragon represents power, strength, good luck and wisdom. I love learning and teaching about other cultures. The Lunar New Year is a fun one. The Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Asian cultures but this story takes us to China. They “sweep, mop and… More DRAGON DANCE by Joan Holub, illustrated by Benrei Huana


Another classic tale, this story is repetitive and easy for the children to remember. Wonderful for language, pre-literacy skills, brain development, creativity AND just fun! After the story we used this cute little set to retell the story (and they will stay in the library for the next few weeks for the children to continue… More THE THREE LITTLE PIGS by James Marshall


This book was a Caldecott Medal winner in 1964. There is a reason children still love this book. I love this book. It captures emotions and imagination so well. “Let the wild rumpus start”…best line ever. Personally, I think we all need a little more rumpus in our lives. 🙂 …and it was still hot!… More WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE by Maurice Sendak

A SICK DAY FOR AMOS MCGEE, by Philip Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead

Did you know that reading fiction to children develops empathy? You will find an article about this at the end of this blog. How do you not fall in love with this book? It is a 2011 Caldecott Medal winner. Beatrix has snuck into yet another book: Kindness! Our vocabulary word this week was “concern”:… More A SICK DAY FOR AMOS MCGEE, by Philip Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead

THE LITTLE RED HEN by Paul Galdone

This classic fable is meant to show children the importance of work and helping others. Find these cute printable puppets for the story here: Before the story, each child received a character puppet to hold. They had to listen and hold up their character when they heard it in the story (a great exercise to… More THE LITTLE RED HEN by Paul Galdone

THE THREE BILLY GOATS BUENOS by Susan Middleton Elya, Illustrated by Miguel Ordonez

We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at our preschool! It is really fun. This book weaves all of these Spanish words into the story seamlessly. The children can follow along easily: Instead off butting the troll of the bridge, in this story the biggest billy goat helps the troll. A sweet, nice twist on the story.… More THE THREE BILLY GOATS BUENOS by Susan Middleton Elya, Illustrated by Miguel Ordonez


I suppose as long as I have “Jack” trying to escape the “Giant” in the library, I will have to find another version of this story! But, it never fails to enthrall! So here we are again, just another version! 🙂 This version is retold by Mara Alperin, and illustrated by Mark Chambers. Look at… More JACK AND THE BEANSTALK…AGAIN!


WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT by Micheal Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury The first video of the story above is from 3 years ago during Covid(filmed at my house)!! I have not read the story in person since the year before that! It is an absolute favorite. The children will ask about it the… More LET’S GO ON A BEAR HUNT!

“I’M BRAVE! I’M QUICK! I’M INDEPENDENT! AND I’M FUN! By Isaac Fitzgerald, illustrated Brigette Barrager

It was pirate week in the library. Children love to be pirates, and I love to see them using their imaginations . How fun is it to imagine being a pirate on a pirate ship, and then going on a treasure hunt? It is even better with a sweet book like this one. Did someone… More “I’M BRAVE! I’M QUICK! I’M INDEPENDENT! AND I’M FUN! By Isaac Fitzgerald, illustrated Brigette Barrager


GREEN EGGS AND HAM by Dr. Seuss We had another really fun Dr. Seuss week! We had a parade on Monday with a large cake for Dr. Seuss: Tuesday was stripes and favorite hat day, Wednesday was “Wacky Wednesday”, Thursday “Green Eggs and Ham” day, and Friday was crazy socks day (Fox in Sox): The… More I DO NOT LIKE GREEN EGGS AND HAM. I DO NOT LIKE THEM, SAM-I-AM

CAPS FOR SALE by Esphyr Slobodkina

“Caps! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!” I love this book because it is full of teaching treasures. There is a reason that this book is a classic, not to mention it is fun! Vocabulary: what is a peddler? I also had a child ask me what “refreshed” meant. Money: How much is fifty… More CAPS FOR SALE by Esphyr Slobodkina


You can never go wrong with a classic. I like to read the story first, because the recording can be a little scary for young children. Usually once we have talked about it, and acted it out (especially the wolf), it seems to diffuse the scariness of it. The children love being the wolf, and… More PROKOFIEV’S PETER AND THE WOLF Retold by Ian Beck

THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF, retold by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen

If you know me, you know I love The Three Billy Goats Gruff. I love it because the children love it. No matter what version I read (see two links below of the others), they are always entranced, and eager to act the story out. It is a simple story, and easy for them to… More THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF, retold by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen