PIRATES GO TO SCHOOL by Corinne Demas illustrated by John Manders The children were met at the door by “Captain Library” and asked to “walk the plank”(over sharks) into the library: They were met with more sharks (on the projector) when they got into the library: This is a cute and funny book. The pirates… More YO HO HO, WE’RE SO COOL, WE ARE PIRATES AND WE LOVE SCHOOL!


By Pat Hutchins Mmmmmm… can you smell the cookies? This book is a wonderful way to practice counting for the younger children and for practicing math for the older children. It also has a wonderful theme of sharing throughout the book. Do the cookies smell good? 6 cookies on two plates: Doorbell sound( Spotify): The… More THE DOORBELL RANG…


Here is a short movie of our week: I believe in imagination. I believe in creative play. Good thing the children love it. We always have so much fun acting out a story after we read it. We are very lucky to have a room across from the library that we can use for stories… More GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS by James Marshall


We had such a fun Dr. Seuss week. How do you not love these t-shirts all of the children received? We kicked everything off with a Dr. Seuss parade! We had “wear stripes and/or your hat day”, Wacky Wednesday, green eggs and ham day (wear green) and crazy socks day (Fox in Socks): We had… More “WHY FIT IN WHEN YOU WERE BORN TO STAND OUT!” -DR. SEUSS


By Brian Wildsmith Are they cousins? We think the tortoise is saying “I can do it!”: Beatrix sleeps after eating a lot too! (Sometimes with his eyes open) SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE! We decided that sometimes we need to be like a tortoise and go slow and steady, and sometimes we need to… More THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE


By Anita Jeram This is a sweet, beautiful illustrated book. Perfect for “love” week. The children got very concerned about the lost bunny: And are SO happy about this: Who will you whisper “I love you” to? After the story we all acted like bunnies with the help of this song: Sleeping bunnies… “Hop little… More BUNNY, MY HONEY


By Grace Lin IT IS THE YEAR OF THE TIGER! We started off our week of celebrating the Lunar New Year, or in our case the Chinese New Year, with a parade! The Kindergarten class made this amazing dragon, and the TK class made this fantastic Chinese lion. Impressive right? The whole school really enjoyed… More BRINGING IN THE NEW YEAR…

Dragon Fun in the Library…

This week, all of the students worked on part of a collaborative dragon for the Chinese New Year, which we will be learning about next week. So we read about dragons this week! THE PAPER BAG PRINCESS by Robert Munch, Illustrated by Michael Martchenko and IF I HAD A DRAGON by Tom and Amanda Ellery.… More Dragon Fun in the Library…


What does a bad mood look like or feel like? We stomped our feet too! We tried to shake it off too… Grumpy underpants? Hahah – you know the children love this page. Then we all take a deep breath. Reading always makes Miss Library feel better! What do you do when you are feeling… More GRUMPY PANTS


By Margaret Wise Brown During this busy time, this story is always calming and focuses on the wonder of Christmas. I love how these illustrations challenge the “traditional” Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and so beautiful. The children really love to play with this nativity set. This is what was playing on the projector: Super secret… More A CHILD IS BORN


By Anna Dewdney Make sure to watch until the end – where you will get to say hi to Moses! 🙂 I am going to admit I can relate to Llama, llama. I sometimes find it hard to wait, and have had meltdowns too. Hahah – we probably all have! This is a great book… More LLAMA LLAMA HOLIDAY DRAMA


By Margaret Sutherland, illustrated by Sonja Lamut “Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to remind children of gratitude. Who makes you laugh? We love our teachers. We are also thankful to pet Beatrix Of course… More THANKSGIVING IS FOR GIVING THANKS!


Henny Penny by Paul Galdone This book is so wonderful for preschool. Just getting the children to repeat the names of the characters is so great for their speech. It is also repetitive, which helps the children remember the story. Even nonsensical rhyming is helpful for emerging readers and for language. What does it feel… More THE SKY IS FALLING!!


By Stan and Jan Berenstain never gets old! There are so many reasons to love this book for preschool children. Easy text for early readers – they love the fact that they can “read” the first page after we talk about how many bears and if they are little or big. It is also a… More THE SPOOKY OLD TREE…

A Day in the Life of a Firefighter…

by Linda Hayward This is a wonderful book to use to talk about our community helpers, the firefighters. And about fire safety… Do you know where to find a fire extinguisher? We practiced staying near the floor “crawling under the smoke”: Our heroes rescuing a dog: We reviewed this wonderful worksheet from https://www.thingstoshareandremember.com/preschool-fire-safety-booklet-printables/ We were… More A Day in the Life of a Firefighter…


by Susan Middleton Elya, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal Hispanic Heritage Month is a wonderful way to introduce Spanish and Spanish speaking cultures to preschool children. The books and ideas are endless. I really love this classic fairy tale, with a dash of Spanish and hint of a different culture. After reading the book, the children… More LA PRINCESA AND THE PEA


By Lauren Thompson and Buket Erdogan We are all so excited to be back in the library this year! I seriously think B the Book Bunny might be the happiest. He loves all of the attention from the children. Mouse’s First Day is a colorful book about all the things that mouse finds in a… More MOUSE’S FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL

Meet Our New Chicks!

Our chicks have hatched! We read about chicks and chickens in this book by Joyce Markovics: Beatrix loved meeting the chicks as much as the children did (watch more of B with the chicks at the end of the above video): The children had to learn how to pick up and touch the chicks gently.… More Meet Our New Chicks!

Nanette’s Baguette

By Mo Willems Who doesn’t like a bit of Mo Willems? He really does make reading fun. The children loved this song. A easy way to introduce them to the word Bonjour: I myself can relate to Nanette. I have picked up a warm baguette in Paris, and managed to eat ALL of it…who can… More Nanette’s Baguette


by Christie Matheson. A fun, interactive book for the children. Perfect for any kind of planting activity for the spring. After we read the book, we planted zinnias. We are hoping to see some sprouts soon. We talked about the importance of butterflies, bees and the birds that enjoy the flowers. We also talked about… More PLANT THE TINY SEED…

They All Saw A Cat

By Brendan Wenzel This book is a 2017 Caldecott Medal award winner. What a lovely book to introduce perception, perspective and different points of view. This book is so creative and beautifully illustrated. It really captures the children’s attention. This phrase occurs throughout the book, a great way to pull the children back in (if… More They All Saw A Cat

And Granny, What Big Teeth You Have…

This week we had fun with Red Riding Hood by James Marshall. A colorful and somewhat silly version of Little Red Riding Hood. In this picture Red Riding Hood’s mother is making custard for Red’s Granny. We always stop and count the cats in the picture. NINE!! In the kitchen? (Hahah! How much cat fur… More And Granny, What Big Teeth You Have…

DRAGON WAS TERRIBLE by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli

Queen Library: I used the first part of this music for my “entrance” into each classroom (A very royal book entrance – you can find a video on my Instagram): The children loved this book. It is entertaining, funny and has colorful and expressive drawings. Truly terrible..scribbling in books? NO!! Tamed by a story!! Now… More DRAGON WAS TERRIBLE by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli

When Someone Gives You a Penguin Costume…

You gladly accept it and read TACKY THE PENGUIN by Helen Lester, illustrated by Lynn Munsinger. I mean – why not? As you can probably guess, the children were delighted. We learn that Tacky is an “odd bird”, but sometimes that is not a bad thing! (Right? Clearly Miss Library is an odd bird!) After… More When Someone Gives You a Penguin Costume…

Snowmen at Night aka “Pickle Nose”!

By Caralyn Buehner, pictures by Mark Buehner Who knew how busy snowmen could be at night? They have some great winter adventures. The children love finding the “pickle nose” snowman in this book. When they see him, they scream at the top of their lungs: “PICKLE NOSE” and fall over laughing. The snowmen are having… More Snowmen at Night aka “Pickle Nose”!

The Mitten

By Jan Brett I am a huge fan of Jan Brett. I think her books are just beautiful. I also love the clues she leaves for her readers. The children are learning about foreshadowing in literature. 🙂 Print mittens and animals to color and cut out from here: https://www.janbrett.com/put_the_animals_in_the_mitten.htm During non-covid times we would normally… More The Mitten

Mrs. Claus!

Mrs. Claus, Miss Library’s sister, was at school this week to read to the children! It gave Miss Library some much needed time to Christmas shop. Mrs. Claus read a book based on a true story. The book was Santa’s Stuck by Rhonda Gowler Greene, illustrated by Henry Cole. Mrs. Claus said it really did… More Mrs. Claus!

It’s Christmas, David!

By David Shannon It seems the Coronavirus is a little like the Grinch, and we are Whoville. You will NOT take our Christmas away. It feels busy – gift buying (ok mostly online), Christmas cards, small gatherings outside to see friends and family surrounded by Christmas lights. And a Christmas program at school, via video.… More It’s Christmas, David!